Bee R.

This testimonial is for a very special person in my heart. Gulrukh Maa. She is not someone who I just chanced upon when my lil son went to her for tutoring, but she was the missing link in my journey with the Beloved Divine Spark.

She has not only showed me the way, but also embedded in me life’s realities. Doing Heartlight Ascension or just Daily tutelage, or just working upon my Channeled messages, to giving me guidance in day-to-day activities, Gulrukh has been my inspiration, my teacher, my guide. The knowledge she carries and the inspiration she showers upon you when she pulls you out of situations, is phenomenal.

May the Beloved, Our Eternal Ancient One shower her on higher and higher.
May Gulrukh’s Books, CD’s, and Workshops go to eternal heights so that many more people are aware of the same ❤️
Gods Grace Eternal as she says
God Bless you Maa
And Deepest Gratitude always.

Bee R.
World traveler
February 25  2024.

Anonymous on request

It’s been six months now, I embarked on a journey with Dr G. Bala, and under her guidance I have experienced a remarkable transformation in my Life.
She has been a beacon of spiritual growth.
Last month I started attending the Tutelage series of meditations and every session has elevated my wellbeing, leaving an indelible positive impact and igniting a positive shift in every aspect of life.
Thank you for being my Guardian Angel 🙏

Anonymous on request
February 21 2024.

Anonymous on request

I was introduced to Dr. Gulrukh Bala by my aunt, who herself is very much aligned with the same philosophical journey.
Prior to meeting Dr Bala, I was dealing with some health issues, and having tried different avenues of rectification I had limited success.
Dr. Gulrukh Bala, despite my initial hesitancy, has assisted me in dealing with my issues and additionally getting rid of a lot of my “psychological baggage”, which she rightfully calls mental garbage.
Despite the fact that I still have issues that I am in the process of addressing, now I am much calmer and not as much a prisoner to my inherent beliefs and inherited prejudices.
With her help and the assistance of the Divine, I am on my journey to being free and healthy in mind, body, and soul.

Anonymous on request.
February 17 2024.

Anonymous on request

My bi-monthly sessions with Gulrukhma are beyond incredible.
Not only are you blessed to be taken to inexplicable destinations, but also for the divine blessing one receives.

Anonymous on request
February 18 2024

Mary Lou

I came to Gulrukh a fractured being – years of trauma related to divorced parents, failed relationships and a marriage engagement, multiple sexual assaults, two house fires, alcohol addiction, loss of employment and license due to that addiction, and deception by a religious cult  – all resulting in a personal renunciation of God and diagnoses of PTSD and Panic Disorder.

Immediately, Gulrukh changed my way of viewing myself and my circumstances. I was no longer that trauma.

This then transformed into deeper healing and enlightenment that completely changed my way of life on this Earth.

My PTSD and Panic are no longer present. I am present. I lead from love, not fear. I am off of my harshest medications for those diagnoses. I have continued my sobriety, being on my third year. I am thriving in my job and continue to get promotion after promotion. This is all possible because God is now everything. My faith and trust in myself and God, has been renewed and the veil of darkness has been blinded by the light;

my light. I honestly didn’t know I could ever feel this unburdened, centered, and genuinely happy! I will forever be grateful to Gulrukh and Heartlight, as I fearlessly continue this inner work for the rest of this lifetime. I smile as I await the joyous, divine blessings and experiences that await!

Mary Lou
Red Cross researcher
January 2022


My beloved mother passed on three days ago.
I want you to know that it was through the regular Tutelage meditations
that I was able to experience an overwhelming sense of forgiveness for my mother, and, a month ago I was able to tell her that the guilt that she carried was not her belonging and that what she ad been feeling was her fault, had nothing to do with her…she was not the cause for my trauma and that she didn’t have to carry that as a burden.
We spoke for two hours and had the most healing conversation of our entire relationship.
We both cried and we both relinquished each other of any guilt or pain we’d been carrying for each other.
I thank you so much for giving me the space to heal that within myself, so that I could heal it with her. What an incredible, God given blessing that was. One that I will forever be grateful for.

VA July 2022.

Jeanne Bessell

I met Dr. Gulrukh Bala in the fall of 2019, just last year. My life has completely transformed.

I had had an accident that had sapped my energy, and after participating in a healing workshop in Quebec, I was looking for something similar here in CT.

After joining the healing circle regularly, I was no longer exhausted on Fridays.. I had vitality. It felt like a miracle.

I invited my children, and they did join too. The impact of those meetings I can still feel, as I see their lives unfold.

Dr. Gulrukh talks of God the way my Father used to, as One you can have a personal relationship with. Since my Father’s death I had looked but never found someone who had such a relationship. I followed the intuition to become Dr. Bala’s student.

I am grateful and am learning Heartlight Ascension. She has guided me in healing my relationship with my children ..opening our hearts to all. I am learning the power of healing within crystals and essential oils. They have become a part of our family life now, and a tool to understand the importance of loving and taking care of our Highest Self.

The growth I see, especially in my eldest, fills my heart with joy. I brought her for a healing session with Dr. Gulrukh after a very difficult day for her, she ran away, eventually coming back, and I brought her to Dr. Gulrukh right away. In the months following this session, we have seen her life turn and her heart healing. She has become responsive to a message of Love and positivity.

Dr. Bala also helped me heal a difficult relationship I had with another child of mine. I was able to understand what caused her heart to close to me. She has opened, and become the daughter I recognized, she talks now at the family table, and shares.

Just months after starting this journey, our family decided to move to the other side of the United States. With complete faith, I said “Yes” to this chapter. We started giving away everything we had accumulated. We decided to give all our furniture and belongings, except our clothes.

When the pandemic started, Dr. Bala started Zoom Tutelage meditations from India, and it did wonders to relieve our anxiety.

Dr. Gulrukh is a compass that keeps me centered and moving forward in the right direction. Our whole family benefits from her guidance.

I can say with confidence that it was God’s Love. She is an answer to our prayers.

Jeanne Bessell
Teacher / Therapist
July 2019


My work with Dr Bala has been an integral part of my life for over a decade..especially so this year, when life and work as we know it, has changed forever. Her energy clearing and chakra work with me, integrating her immense wisdom and multimodality techniques with healing crystals, grids  and essential oils have helped me create space for myself and my wellness, along with being able to show up at work and with family, in an optimal way. Centered, focused, resilient and awake!

The constant  inner journey work of Soul writing, raising my consciousness for self-healing, has immensely helped my health issues over the years.

In this time of anxiety and fear, she has been a beacon of Trust and positivity. Her weekly meditations and channeled Tutelage Series have been timely reminders of the resilience we possess to change our reality.

I have experienced quantum leaps and highly recommend her Presence to anyone who is looking for a brilliant energetic shift and change. She is the best!


Leadership Development
December 2020
New York


I met Dr. Gulrukh Bala in May 2020 through a dear friend. The involuntarily isolation pursuant to the global pandemic, forced me to confront certain personal traumas, experiences and fears. While these had adversely impacted my life for decades, many of them were either unknown to me or long forgotten. It was only after I met Dr. Bala, that I was able to actually identify, accept and confront these.

One example is that I was unable to drive my car for years because of unpleasant experiences I had attached to driving. Dr. Bala helped me rip off the bandaid I had for years. Today I have a new car and am behind the wheels once again! Dr Bala also helped me become more self-aware .. to identify if my actions or thoughts are motivated with fear or low self-worth.

Meeting Dr. Bala has been a turning point in my life and also a great start to my spiritual growth. Dr. Bala is not only compassionate and kind, she has profound spiritual wisdom and experience and is truly divinely gifted in her ability to heal and guide humanity.


November Light 2020
Mumbai, India

Ginger Propper

Since I’ve met Dr.Gulrukh Bala I’ve learned how to face something that was so difficult for me all my life… and that was facing my fears! I was actually paralyzed by fear …couldn’t move past it . I’ve grown so much with her wonderful tutelage series and heart light ascension group!
I’ve also had many private individual soul healing sessions which have been life changing as well !!!
I’ve recently had to face a big challenge in my life and feel so strong ! I am thrilled with the person I am & have such gratitude to everyone & everything in my life !
I would highly recommend Gulrukh’s teachings and feel privileged to have met her and will continue to work with her …
Blessings and lots of Love ❤


Ginger Propper
November 2020

Jeff Simms

I have been a student of Dr. Gulrukh Bala for over five years and  have learned so much from this wonderful, intelligent, sweet, loving and beautiful person.

I have learned to love people for who and what they are. Above all else, I have learned to love myself in spite of my own faults because I’m being awakened to deal with and change my own weak links.

She is a great lady, who I can truly count as a dear friend.

God bless her.

Jeff Simms
November 2020

Linda Pancoast

Two years ago, I experienced  Dr. Gulrukh Bala’s Heartlight Ascension workshop.

I was feeling stuck after a divorce, so, participating in a spiritual workshop was something new!

It was wonderful, thanks to the open-heartedness, kindness and wisdom of Dr. Bala. There were guided meditations, personal shared experiences and  daily practices to do at home. I enjoyed and benefitted from these and still engage in them.

More recently, I have been meeting with her weekly for chakra clearings and meditation. This has begun to clear out the negative morass and open a path for kind self-acceptance and Trust, to claim my space.

What I love most about Dr. Bala is her gentle, yet definitive, manner. Her life-wisdom is empowering and healing.

She listens. She is knowing.

She distills what is shared,  with a perception that is so keen and imparts practical counsel that is purposeful, which I have come to Trust and use in my everyday life.

I highly recommend Dr. Bala and her Heartlight Ascension workshops and meditations.

Linda Pancoast
November 2020

The Desai family

With God’s eternal Grace, we have been with dear Dr. Bala for over eighteen years. Her compassionate spiritual practice has helped our family grow from strength to strength.

In these challenging times, we are eternally grateful for her channeled Tutelage sessions which have helped us achieve an immense level of peace, clarity and grounding to our divine roots. . to travel far and wide within ourselves on the path of self real-I-zation.

These sessions are a means to Dr. Bala, who is a glowing spark, to light the lamp of spiritual awakening amongst one and all.

Thank you dear Mother for your Love, Compassion and Mercy.

The Desai family
November 2020
Mumbai, India

Villy Mody

I have known Dr. Gulrukh Bala for twenty-five years .. a very gentle and  understanding teacher. I am privileged to have attended  many of her workshops and gained a lot of knowledge about so many aspects of life, helping me to know myself much better.

I am now attending her channeled Tutelage Classes thrice a week. She guides us into breathing practices, chakra cleansing and guided meditations, assisting us to go deep within ourselves and build up our Inner Strength which helps us to face life in these transformative times.

In all these years, Dr. Gulrukh Bala has been my friend, teacher and a spiritual director.. my guiding light.

I pray many people will take advantage of her wisdom and guidance.

Villy Mody
Montessori Teacher
Mumbai, India


I was introduced to Dr. Gulrukh Bala by a dear friend who also was a teacher to both my boys.

She felt my older son and I should visit Dr. Gulrukh to get a clearer understanding on certain behavior patterns he had. Some of the things Dr. Gulrukh said after meeting us, were shocking and intriguing and my interest in learning more from her, grew immensely.

We continued to be in touch. But I think we weren’t just meant to meet for him …..Dr. Gulrukh pulled me out of one of my darkest life experiences when I lost a dear friend unexpectedly. Her understanding of energy frequencies on the higher planes not only amazes me but helps me transform mundane perspectives.

Her therapeutic techniques are incredibly calming, relaxing and effective.

In fact, in one of her one-on-one sessions I almost experienced an out of body experience that is simply undescribable.

I find immense comfort and peace in asking her questions that enable me to understand life beyond the physical realm.

November 2020
Mumbai, India


Our Roadmap and Beloved Tour Guide

The Tutelage Series is a Roadmap that comes blessed with a Tour Guide in the form of Dr. Bala   Whether we seek peace, healing of our hearts, or ultimate Oneness with our Source, she helps us navigate our individual paths both through Inspired Channelings and the Divine Wisdom which emanates through her own learning and Ascension.

Dr. Bala points out clearly and uncompromisingly those uncomfortable truths and obstacles we humans place in our own ways.  Although it’s difficult to confront our own weaknesses, she teaches us spiritual “off-ramps” which can empower us to overcome quagmires of our own making.

Through Dr. Bala’s Tutelage, I am continuously learning to elevate my awareness by attuning my ears so that I can better hear and by focusing with intent so that I can better see as I travel my path guided by this Roadmap and this blessed “Tour Guide”.

Entrepreneur/ Homemaker
November 2020


Be it a weekend workshop or sitting for a meditation, one immediately feels Gulrukh’s  love and warm kindness when in her presence.

It is this well of compassionate, deep love that makes all her classes approachable for all levels and are filled with

Her humor, which shows up at times, tickles my soul and I find myself yearning to return again and again.

Gulrukh is a gift beyond measure – to our world and to all beings.

November 2020


Dr. Bala helped me through one of the lowest points in my life.  A diagnose of disease, despite being highly curable, had sent me into a tailspin of worry, doubt, anxiety, guilt, and confusion.

It was through personal sessions and online tutelage classes with Dr. Bala that I learned that my mental and emotional state was the real issue.  She helped give me the tools and mindset that laid the path to healing.  INNER WORK is the vehicle!  I drive it everyday!

My physical disease is cured, and everyday I gain more control over my mental and emotional states through inner work.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Martial Arts
October 2020

Mary Nedell Watters

My ultimate goal in life has been to find peace within myself, have my offspring find their way in peace and love on their own, and to find love and fun in everything I do.

Turns out I needed some tweaking mostly to get out of my own way, which came in the form of meditation, channeling guidance and extreme patience from my friend Dr. Gulrukh Bala.

I still remember my very first session with Dr. Bala, I was there to visit and instead it turned into a session that completely broke me down to sobbing, then healing, then  building me right back up with tools to use in daily practice.

My entire way of looking at things has completely changed from before I met this Ascended Master right here in Black Rock CT.

Every person I introduced to her has called and thanked me for the introduction of a lifetime.

You owe it to yourself to take an introductory meditation and continue with the practice of unlocking your inner peace.

Mary Nedell Watters
November 2020

Joyce E

I was at a point in my life where new transitions were bringing great changes too.

I knew I would benefit from Spiritual Direction and the first person who came to mind was Dr. Gulrukh Bala.

My experiences in her Meditation classes were very pleasant, and I wanted to go deeper with Spiritual Direction.

As a Teacher, Mental Health Counselor, and an Integrative Health Coach, I knew Dr. Bala’s expertise and approach would benefit me in body, mind and spirit. I was not disappointed! In our journey together, I have grown in leaps and bounds. My meditations with Chakra clearing and inner child work have given me profound insights and awareness of my Inner-Being.   Do not hesitate to trust your heart with Dr. Bala!


Joyce E
Teacher/ Health coach
October 2020

Deena Clubwala

What a lovely way to start a new day!

Dr. Bala’s guided morning meditations and channeled Tutelage series are refreshing, empowering and inspiring. I’ve come to realize how important it is to take some minutes each day, to sit quietly, breathe deeply, set an intention and actually hear affirmations out loud (Dr. Bala’s soothing voice is an added bonus).  I feel very fortunate to have found such a committed and sincere healer, as often times, doctors seem so disconnected from their patients.

Though we are many miles apart, her calming presence is so transformative.. strongly felt and appreciated.

Deena Clubwala
Early Childhood Educator
October 2020


Gulrukh Bala is  an Ascended Master, most committed and sincere.

She effortlessly  understands the most complex issues in a matter of seconds and has an amazing power  of transforming the troubled soul from a Caterpillar to the most beautiful monarch butterfly!

Thank you so much.

November 2020
Mumbai, India

Radhika Chaturvedi Kaushik

I was living life with all its trials and tribulations. Tough.. but then they say when it gets tough the tough get going! I thought I was tough.. and then came the lockdown which unlocked chaos. I was shut in my house, thinking I’m safe, not realizing that only the physical body was safe. Mind and heart unsafe. Job loss, salary cuts, worries, unemployment, losing dear ones …was the daily dose of news. I was the headlines for some of these news pegs as well!

I lacked the heart strength to put life in perspective. Everyday was awash with tears. The tough had completely weakened! I finally reached out to Gulrukh. She gave me short yet sage pieces of advice which entwined in my heart as a thread of prayer. Her wise and beautiful words filled love, joy and promise in my heart. The chakra balancing sessions truly released the blocks. Life’s externals are unchanged… my perspective has. After months of working on myself with her, I’ve strengthened myself with a secret weapon.


Gratitude for Gulrukh, gratitude for what I have and gratitude for my life with my family. She taught me that giving and helping is the best offence and defence in this tough phase of my life. This time is not for being selfish. It’s the time for being selfless. Try it! It brings me a lot of joy and loving satisfaction. Some call me an empath now. Some call me generous. Some even call me silly.

I call myself grateful! Now my favourite phrase is – This too shall pass! #Gratitude

Radhika Chaturvedi Kaushik
News Anchor
September 2020
Mumbai, India

Savera Aslam

Dr Gulrukh came in at my most difficult time in life . My family was falling apart and, at this time I was feeling quite low and stressed.

My health was deteriorating and depression was gradually engulfing me. When my friend recommended your name, I had no idea how you will be helping me.

In your individual sessions you gave me full attention and I started opening up my heart to a gentle  warm light that gave me greater inner strength and peace of mind. It’s quite amazing the way you helped me identify my issues and expertly guided me to go look for solutions.

Your personal sessions, releases my stress and re-energizes my heart and mind. You do your sessions with honesty, insight and integrity. Every session gives me belief in myself and hope for the better future. Thank you so very much for sharing your spiritual guidance and walking with me on my Healing journey .
Regards and much love

Savera Aslam
November 2020


Gulrukh Maa has been a source of utmost help, inspiration and being there when you need her in your time of search, moment of questioning ,especially for me for many many years now.
Her one-on-one sessions.. be it a guided healing meditation, workshops or tri-weekly Tutelage channeling during this 2020 period of inner transformation, are absolutely and phenomenally helpful.. full of engendering a crisp conscious awareness of being Present .
Filled with love and knowledge,
her eternal faith in the Divine is parallel to none .
Thank you Gulrukh Maa for your rock -solid support. May God’s Grace always shine upon you eternally.

Homemaker/World Traveler
October 2020
Bombay India


In 2019, before the pandemic swept into our lives, I attended  several guided, group meditations (at the local Yoga Studio) led by Dr. Gulrukh Bala. Having lived in a spiritual community out west in the mid 90s, sitting in silence with a group, has deeply nourished my soul. I observed Dr. Bala had a beautiful way of gently helping us NOT ONLY quiet the inner dialogue, but also feel and remember our connection to our earth mother and to those around us. (as she likes to say, “From ALONE, to ALL ONE!”)
Shortly after, Gulrukh announced she would be returning to India for several months. We were sad she was leaving and praying for her safe return. After just 6 weeks in her homeland, however, with more and more countries seeing lockdowns and surges in the infection rate, Dr. Bala received a rare opportunity to return to the US. She had known in that very moment on some level that it was very important NOW.
Since her return, I have been fortunate to “zoom” at least one hour a week with Gulrukh as one of her blessed students.

Being with her week after week has brought me to a depth of unimaginable self-awareness. Through her channeled chakra cleansing guided meditations and breathing exercises, I now have access to a depth of peace that has expanded my capacity for self-compassion and forgiveness.

My time with her has made me a better son, a better brother, a better friend, a better father….. and a much more loving presence in situations that had previously caused me resistance and stress.
For the first time in my life i am learning how to RESPOND to life’s inner and outer challenges, after decades of being in “react mode”.

I believe Dr. Bala teaches about the rare opportunity each of us has in this life to “soften” the inner landscape, cultivating love for our higher Self so that we can be more fully present and more gentle… our heartlight and in our lives. As she says every time.. Only Love heals.
Dear people, love. Please love.

November 2020


I found this album on a now defunct site called djingana years ago. I was going to commit suicide. I decided to listen to “merge with your light”, to prepare myself.

You saved my life.

Years passed, and I began to receive messages to search for it again. It took me 2 years to find it again. I listen to it everyday now and I can feel the solace and healing in it. I can also feel my brain tingling and believe I am rewiring neuronal connection, damaged, from abuse.

I thank you. Dear God I thank you.

December 12,2018

Joe E. Sarneski

Dr. Gulrukh Bala entered my journey of self discovery and healing a mere two months ago and her Presence has changed my life. I have attended her workshops which she is invited as a guest speaker to, for assorted healing modalities. Her mystical, humble guidance comes direct from Spirit and is overwhelmingly restoring in the complex pace of life that we all currently face. To be sure there is no magical elixir to her extraordinary spiritual healing power. Her guidance is sacred and we must each accept the challenge she channels for us individually. I am astounded by the remarkably personal inspiration which her message simultaneously delivered, individually, to a broad audience. Somehow, each participant in her workshops receives the desired spiritual guidance which each came hoping to receive. Truly miraculous!!! Dr. Gulrukh has a gift which she shares completely and should not be missed, if at all possible.

Joe Sarneski
Retd. Professor Sciences

Reena Sen

The healing experiences I have always had with Dr. Gulrukh Bala can be captured in only one word: “Awesome”.

Each time I have come to her with different issues – be it physical or otherwise, the only thing I needed to do was reach her abode of love and light, surrender myself to her and the magic of healing happens each time!

She is such an evolved soul, that merely being in her presence brings about a change in the vibrations. From the stress and tribulations of our daily so called “routine life”, one is immediately transported into an oasis of peace and well being. Her unconditional love and depths of wisdom provide a much needed soothing balm to a battered soul and fresh insights into any incident or situation – past or present.

Her sacred self is reflected in each of her spoken word, loving action and amazing intention she brings into the healing sessions and it is that which springs forth into existence for her clients.

All of this magic is available for each one of us through the course of “Heartlight Ascension”. I have done two levels of this course and can vouch for its immense potential of healing, creating well-being and connecting us to our Source energy. It is indeed a life-altering experience and I hope it reaches more people across the globe! It has the potential of providing all of us with access to our higher self, abundance, love – in short, all our myriad dreams and aspirations in the most peaceful and powerful way possible!

Reena Sen
Akashic Records facilitator
Mumbai, India

Manoj Bellani

Ma, or mother as I fondly call her, Dr Gulrukh Bala has brought about revolutionary changes in my life. Having successfully completed Heartlight Ascension up to level three and a number of other workshops with her, my life stands today completely fulfilled and spiritually ecstatic.

Ma taught me the importance of cultivating my heartlight first because, after all, this is who I am. That changed my entire concept of living.

From having always kept myself last, I now deeply fulfill myself at all levels and thus it becomes much easier to do things selflessly for others.

Earlier I needed an acknowledgment in return for all I did. Today I am doing everything so wonderfully for myself, others and also invariably for my higher self!!!!!

Thank you ma for being so kind and patient with me. Love you lots. Good luck, God bless.

Manoj Bellani
Mumbai, India

Sylvia Theriault

I have been a student of Heartlight Ascension and Dr Gulrukh Bala for almost 14 years. During this time I have gained insight, wisdom and spiritual strength. Ultimately all that we do and all that we are, exists by the grace of God. The patience, brilliance and accessibility of Dr Bala at important junctures in my life and learning, has illuminated my path and put the particular lessons I’ve needed to learn, in context. What a turn around I’ve had since my first Heartlight session! Thank God for Dr Bala and the practice of Heartlight!

Also, I must say I dearly love the daily messages from the Cosmic Kitchen. Dr Bala happens to be a great cook both of food and of wisdom! I keep the full array of Cosmic Kitchen offerings on my computer, grouped along a thread. And daily, the new message is added to the group ..yet it’s a random message from the past which pops up on the computer screen and catches my attention. Invariably, it is relevant and meaningful.

Try it, you’ll like it.

Sylvia Theriault
Entrepreneur/ Grand Mom!


How do I begin to describe the joy I felt from the moment I heard the word Heartlight mentioned by Dr. Bala? My own heart opened up in anticipation of the classes and sessions yet to come. During the levels of Heartlight and receiving of the attunements, my entire being was filled with a gentle, warm golden light. The light radiated throughout my body and a rising of the vibration in the room and within me awakened me to the powerful energy of Heartlight. Many think they need to wait to die to go Home… the energy of the Heartlight Master symbol, I experienced Home. Dr. Gulrukh Bala’s loving energy and sensitivity touched me deeply during our time together and she has become a sister of my heart and soul.

Healer and Therapist

Laura Jean

Dearest Gulrukh,

Your daily messages tug at me with such clarity. It is testimony to your “worldly consciousness”….to FEEL, KNOW and Acknowledge our hearts’ ache. I will never forget when I took your Heartlight Course…I had such an epiphany from the HEART, of the upcoming tsunami, (years ago now, in Thailand), and flashes of the change I, and many others, would come to experience.

It tapped into a heart string I didn’t know existed! It was a universal thread of consciousness.

Thank you for your work in this lifetime….

Laura Jean
Business owner


I want to share this special experience. In one of my sessions with Gulrukh, I had a vision of Ganesha in the form of a statue floating in the clouds, and the features were very specific. It was a large statue, five or six feet tall. That evening I was with some friends and they took me to a house in Juhu, Bombay, a house I had never been to before, and lo and behold, I saw the exact statue that I had the vision about, some eight hours earlier. In essence I had seen the future and had made a connection with Ganesha. Until that moment I did not believe in Ganesha.



Receiving the daily Cosmic Kitchen Heartlight thoughts & re reading them, gives me a perspective to follow that path in creating newness. It is such a soothing balm for frazzled nerves, & then reminding myself to rise above it. This is all thanks to you, to reach that blissful end.


Gool Dick

Dear Gulrukh,

Thank you ever so much for all your wonderful Cosmic Kitchen mails from Heartlight. My regular meditations followed by workshops conducted by you, has brought about a distinct change in my life as I grow in awareness, self-esteem and love for myself as well as for my fellow-beings. In my pursuit for happiness I need to work more and Gulrukh is my synergy.

Gool Dick
Mumbai, India.


The A grade Essential Oils are just amazing.Within half an hour of its application, I have released chronic pain of over a decade.

Each inhalation invigorates my being. Thank you !

My dog too is feeling much calmer with the pure fragrance. What a difference it has made to his sleep patterns.


Laurie Crouse

Dr. Gulrukh Bala is a wise and compassionate humanitarian and healer. She has been a tremendous healing force in my life, and I feel so fortunate to call her my teacher and my friend. I have had the opportunity to witness the dramatic effect she has had for so many, with both physical and emotional issues. The world is a better place with Gulrukh in it. Dr.Bala is a direct line to the divine. She has had a profound impact on my life and healing path. Deep gratitude.

Laurie Crouse

Lori Jo Siegel

I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Gulrukh Bala for over 5 years. The icredible healing prayer-infused essential oil blends she creates are unique… very different from any other oils I have purchased. In addition, her heartlight-infused healing crystals, bracelets and headbands are so beneficial for our mental, physical and spiritual health. A great teacher, I have learned so much and grown from her vast wisdom. I highly recommend a healing session. We are so blessed to have Dr. Bala here in New York to offer her divine talents. Thank you Gulrukh. God Bless.

Lori Jo Siegel
Teacher and Therapist

Susan Heller

Gulrukh Bala – Her voice is Magic, it is Music, and if you’ve never meditated before, it will make the process easy and deep. There is a timbre in her voice that is like a precision tuning will resonate with your deepest self. Gulrukh’s liquid bell tones are actually harmonic chords vibrating on a range of levels that gently, inexorably, deliver you softly into the Heart of the Universe. It is a place of safety and selfhood; she is an extraordinary guide and you can trust her to take you exactly where you most need to go.

Susan Heller
Senior Writer/ Creative Services

Vicki Mintz

Dr. Gulrukh Bala is a spiritual master, a gifted teacher and guide, an oasis of love. She offers prayer, healing, and meditation with such warmth, wisdom, and gentleness, that I open to a deeper connection to Source and humanity. She is a treasure of ancient wisdom, stories, and knowing. I have been drawn into her heart space, where she continuously nourishes me, and my gratitude knows no bounds.

Vicki Mintz
Healer and Therapist

Dr Harry J Brown

Being with Dr Bala in a private conference is a therapeutic spiritual experience. She helps you open up to receive informational experience from the here and now,and the past,so that you can focus on life with increased self-understanding. There is a mystical continuity from session to session under her guidance,which comes from her words, her voice and the spirit energy she channels. I recommend that being with Dr Bala is a personally valuable experience which everyone should avail of if the opportunity comes your way.

Dr. Harry J Brown
Counselor and Therapist

Roshan Contractor

Healing Oils!!

Over the years, A-Grade Therapeutic Essential Oils have just become a complete part of me.

Regularly massaging my body with the oils so graciously made by Dr.Bala according to my specific areas of concern, has tremendously helped me release stale blocks from my tissues effortlessly. A new me has emerged, like a butterfly set free from its tight caterpillar stage! This newness keeps me focused in life’s present moments completely.

There are techniques which Dr. Bala guides each one personally to achieve our special goal.

My grand-daughter who is five and a half years young, had a long history of grinding her teeth in her sleep. I requested a suitable oil blend. Lo! that problem has almost gone. This oil blend was given just three months ago.

My daughter uses oil blends each night on the soles of her feet where all our nerves hold the sacred acupressure points of our body. She feels so good and encourages her husband to use them daily. These sacred Oils are such an integral part of our lives. The secret here is..they are one hundred percent from any carrier oil! You just have to go for these!

Roshan Contractor
Home maker
Mumbai, India

Janice Mayeran

My experiences with Dr. Bala have been magical, life-changing and then life-affirming. Dr. Bala encourages you to open your heart, to open your mind and to open yourself to love. She asks you to step outside your comfort zone so that you can live and love more fully. The weight of many lifetimes is lifted. Dr. Bala speaks to your innermost fears and coaxes them out, to see the light, feel the warmth of the sun and get resolved. She reaches in and unlocks the closed door to your heart, raising the veils that have covered the mind’s eye. She is always ready to walk it with you, willingly redirecting her words to keep you moving towards an enriched life of hope and love. It’s yours if you take the first tentative step.

Janice Mayeran

Elise Deitch

Dr. Bala is an extremely gifted healer. Her gentle, loving nature warms and comforts me during her sessions. She is connected to the divine and gives amazing guidance and wisdom. Her ability to tap in to exactly what I am going through and what I need to heal and grow from is remarkable. The energy healings are deep and I feel so connected to my spirit, higher self, and God. I am very thankful.

Elise Deitch

Elise Bulie

Dr Bala and I were connected when my belief in my own creation truly began. I am a spiritual being, but I, like many, allow the every day energies to take over my life. Dr Bala has shown me how to manifest creative visualisation, write my own intentions and keep on writing. Through her meditations, her healing ways, I am learning and allowing myself to grow. My worries and concerns that were all-encumbering, have released with her realistic advice and energy. My body feels lighter and my breathing calmer .. no longer any chest pain. I follow my intuition, and every day I breathe in a deeper way as guided, I now know how to communicate in a different way, when concerns cloud my mind, I am able to breathe through them and re-create positive thoughts. Dr Bala has so much compassion. She BELIEVES and with belief in myself I can do anything. God Bless and thank you.

Elise Bulie


Dear, dear Gulrukh, I treasure each one of these “recipes” from the Cosmic Kitchen. I hear your voice through these words, and remember the energy of being in your presence, of feeling the strength of your amazing love that has embraced an ever-growing expansion of consciousness.

To see this in the woman who you are, is such a gift.

This birthday time of mine, having reached the number of 95 years, I am fully involved in living every moment of celebration. I want to remember you as an opening that has nothing to do with how many years one lives.

Always grateful, always love,

Spiritual Artist


My son attended this workshop in 2003. He used to be extremely worried and filled with fear in many areas of his life. His school grades were below mediocre when I was told of Dr.Gulrukh Bala’s expert handling of children.

After having attended this workshop, my wife and I were amazed to see how much he had grown in confidence and joy. His grades at school rose in every subject. His friends remarked on the positive change within a week. My wife and I feel this workshop is the best birthday gift we gave him. His final board exam result was the highest he had ever accomplished!

Mumbai, India


The Heartlight Ascension Workshop is a profound master plan for achieving a complete healing of spirit. As I became steady in my practice of the daily healing treatment, I found my frustrations giving way to peace, clarity, ease, confidence, forgiveness and synchronicity. All my needs are now easily met with and I look forward to my daily healing treatments with great enthusiasm and focus.

Thank you so much Gulrukh!

Montessori teacher
January 2015
Bombay, India


Dr.Gulrukh Bala is indeed a true guide and wonderful teacher. I entered into the world of Crystals with deep joy, under her guidance.

Crystalline Ascension levels 1, 2 and 3 held for me major time periods of rise in energy levels when I actually slowed down in time.

The magical healing powers of Crystals brought about powerful shifts in energy frequencies within me. It brought me to experience my inner body and to know the working of Stillness.

I have fully trained with Dr. Bala as an awakener and am so much more at ease with myself. I hold tranquility and positivity each day… open in spirit, more and more and still yet more. The journey is endless and all we need is a willing, open heart.

Travel guide and Teacher
Mumbai, India


Life is the ultimate teacher. The learning brought me to Gulrukh Ma and it was only natural progression that I completed all the levels of Crystals and Heartlight Ascension. What they gave me would take up many pages, so I’ll only say that they helped me to have a better understanding of all that is.

The more I work with crystals, the more I feel my relationship grow with them. They have brought about a gentle but sure transformation over my life; healing relationships, inspiring confidence, clearing space and filling it with only positive energy.

To those of you who find this does not make much sense, I can only say that you must find out for yourself, and for those who do understand, you are already well on your way!


IAN Newman

Gulrukh is one of the most God-touched spirits I know. She has patiently, and lovingly, guided me closer to universal truth and inner beauty. The thread that weaves life, passes directly through her, and is readily available to all who willingly open their hearts to her supreme wisdom, and knowledge.

Ian Newman
Visual Artist & Musician
Philadelphia, PA

Pankaj Kapadia

I met Dr. Gulrukh in May 2017. I was in a deep nervous breakdown and my wife was frantic for help. In my first session, as soon as I spoke with her, all my worries disappeared and I felt most relieved. She had touched the root of my stress. It all began through childhood parental issues. She gave me homework to clear my inner self as well as my professional area. I visited her weekly for a month and found drastic changes in myself. I was reconnected to my true self. I awoke! I took steps to change. I understood the power of being present in the now and facing squarely the situation at hand and making it better. Stuff that would otherwise take a person lifetimes to work out and understand, got done with divine grace in the coming three months. Deep dream interpretation worked miracles. I am now transformed and my spirituality which had vanished for two decades and more, resurrected. I found myself. The happy collegian in me awoke. My DNA Patterns were renewed definitely. My professional work has expanded and most of all, my children exclaim.. papa, nowadays you look very happy and cheerful.. why so? I just smile! Thank you for this divine intervention. Dr. Gulrukh, your hotline with God is profound – a mirror which shows us our own self, our own spiritual state, which in today’s time is lost in this valley of the false glimmer. The lion and the sheep – a lion grew up believing it’s a sheep, till another lion showed him his lion ness. Dr. Gulrukh, you are that lion.

Pankaj Kapadia
Mumbai, India

Joan del Greco

I was fortunate to be introduced to Dr Gulrukh Bala seven years ago and it was life changing. I was raised Catholic and knowing the importance of forgiveness, but I never knew how, in spite of many years of soul-searching. In just one session, Dr. Bala’s wisdom opened my mind, heart and soul. I was finally able to be a forgiving person.

This was only the beginning of a beautiful relationship that helped me through my relationships and important decisions. Her loving guidance is priceless.
Thank you, Gulrukh for everything.

Joan del Greco

Prashant Golecha

Dr. Gulrukh
I heard your meditation CD for the first time six years ago and was mesmerized. I took a few years to reach out to
you and when I met you it was a fantastic experience. Your healing and words penetrated into my mind instantly. You are precious to me.

Prashant Golecha
PR consultant

Monish Satiya

Little did I know that I was to experience a treat at the Retreat! The most wonderful learnings were incorporated into us….Dr. Bala’s thought flow works beautifully for us, with ideas flowing with our name on it! It sounds poetic but all that she speaks and channels come from the Divine. It is like a movie coming with all the power here to manifest what you wish being, handed over to you. We all have to live life meaningfully but the science of it is tough and we learn to maneuver well between people and our core hangups. It is the reconnection to the divine to achieve these things which are done by her and you can feel it …we also get the deep courage and inspiration to go within and find the perfect antidote to our problems and to what’s pulling us back…my laziness and arrogance was the thing here. I realized this in a good space and am ready to change. Now more about the workshop. All the sessions were planned meticulously with finding our Self Realization…Profound crystal healing…. potent chakras cleansing …deep yoga .energy flow…How to heal our relationships….and energy medicine guidance. It is 100% worth our money and even more…. we can find our lost self and begin the journey like I am going to do….. Ms. Bala has been the captain of my ship for a few months, like God working over my shoulder. I feel privileged being with her in the same space doing this Retreat at her beautiful Bombay residence ..a mix of godly and worldly atmosphere and the most secure and loving I would certainly recommend her not only if there are issues in your life but to anyone who wants to experience the magic back in their lives……..thank you Ms. Bala and looking forward to seeing you for level 2……… Yours lovingly,

Monish Satiya
Mumbai, India