Breath Is Our Life-Force
Fees $200 / 2 hrs

Right from the moment of birth till our present time, we are kept alive in our body because of this silent life force.

It is the power of spirit essence that simultaneously binds us and frees us to the power of God-like being.

It is an essential session for everyone because it opens us to awareness of breath as our life itself.

Children – Remembering Wholeness
Fees $200 / 2.5 hrs

This fun workshop is a favorite among mothers. Children have the best day of all, creating artwork, writing poems and describing memorable past events that have added brightness to their lives.

They receive a cosmic attunement too. There has been a thirty percent rise in school grades as well as in harmony at home and with peer groups.

Fear of being slighted and manipulated, fear of games people play to hold sway over emotions and thoughts, is markedly released. Self-worth returns. A child learns to live with courage and empowered thinking, fearless and free.

You may register your child at any time for this workshop. It is available in three one-hour telephone sessions as well.

Children receive the tools to release fear, guilt, stress, limiting beliefs, anger, low self-worth and all the other limitations experienced by angels recently returned to Earth.

Divine Consciousness Activation
Fees $200 / 2 hrs

This session assists in opening our seventy-two higher spiritual chakras above the Crown. It activates the Christ Consciousness higher center and awakens the energy frequencies that sustain our awareness of our Godlikeness at all times and in all situations.

DNA Activation
Fees $250 / 2 hrs

Activation is when we awaken our spiritual DNA to our highest potential.

The blocks we have held within ourselves release and our chromosomes and mitochondria get activated. This activation strengthens our psychic senses and allows us to survive all the environmental toxins we are living with.

As the dormant parts of our spiritual DNA get activated, we become an integral part of our earth’s collective consciousness.

This workshop brings a quantum leap in self-awareness and the ability to transform life itself. A necessary and delightful step for all spiritual seekers.

Power Of Thought
Fees $200 / 2 hrs

We can all heal our lives with positive visualizations and affirmations.

I know, I will and I can!
I am the change that changes my being!

Conscious awareness of thought and words are the essence of this workshop. Each one receives a cosmic attunement and meditations along with fun exercises.

We learn to harness the immense powerhouse of positive visualizations and written affirmations that match our goals.

We begin to define our short-term, long-term and immediate goals.

We learn to focus on the infinite power of our breath. This is a high point of the workshop. Practical exercises follow.

The energy of this workshop is exceptionally motivating. Most participants report major breakthroughs of reaching new levels of success in their personal and professional lives.

Power Of Prosperity
Fees $200 / 2 hrs

This empowering workshop gives each participant a cosmic attunement to open up cell memory as we move towards the upward spirals of abundance in every area of life.

Deep core DNA patterns open up, creating a transformation to attract abundance. The important differentiation with this approach to prosperity is that we are freed from the material ‘desire’ for prosperity and, instead, become rooted into Universal Prosperity, which is always available abundantly when we obey the rules of personal and social behavior – Yam Niyam ka Palan. This is a repetitive simple everyday practice to attract abundance that we will be taught to set in motion. Prosperity can then be experienced in the full sense.

Mudra Vigyan – Level I
Fees $200 / 2 hrs


This science involving the specific placement of fingers for healing purposes has developed from the intense studies done by ancient Indian reishis (sages).

While being very effective, Mudra Vigyan is also the easiest method to practice. Nature has made our human body so capable of healing itself, that the power to remove any ailment is present within the body.

All the systems in our body are affected by Mudras, which are like the control buttons of a powerful machine that is our human body. Light waves emanate and begin to flow through our body, restoring the balance within the five bodily elements: Sky, Fire, Air, Water and Earth. This energy elevates all the faculties and brings deep harmony.

When different fingers form a variety of Mudras, they stimulate our consciousness like a remote control of our mind and body. A daily practice of basic Mudras maintains optimum health. It can be practiced in any comfortable posture. Chanting the beej mantra for the particular chakras helps in further awakening our consciousness. There are specific parameters under which this mantra should be practiced.

Know Your Spirit Guides
Fees $175 / 1.5 hrs

Spirit Guides watch over and protect us on earth.

They are a significant part of Chinese, Egyptian, Indian and Native American cultures and can make their presence known during times of stress or peril.

This workshop will introduce us to our Spirit Guides and help us learn how to connect with them at will.

Their defining characteristics are as follow:
Spirit Guides once had a physical presence on Earth.

They are often ancestors, more recent family members or known friends who have passed on.

We can have more than one Spirit Guide in our lives.

Guides often come to assist us in times of distress or when we are in need of spiritual healing.

We can always sense them in our aura once attuned to their presence.

Times of stress may enhance focus and make it easier to connect with them.

Mudra Vigyan – Level II
Fees $200 / 2 hrs


This science involving the specific placement of fingers for healing purposes has developed from the intense studies done by ancient Indian reishis (sages).

While being very effective, Mudra Vigyan is also the easiest method to practice. Nature has made our human body so capable of healing itself, that the power to remove any ailment is present within the body.

All the systems in our body are affected by Mudras, which are like the control buttons of a powerful machine that is our human body. Light waves emanate and begin to flow through our body, restoring the balance within the five bodily elements: Sky, Fire, Air, Water and Earth. This energy elevates all the faculties and brings deep harmony.

When different fingers form a variety of Mudras, they stimulate our consciousness like a remote control of our mind and body. A daily practice of basic Mudras maintains optimum health. It can be practiced in any comfortable posture. Chanting the beej mantra for the particular chakras helps in further awakening our consciousness. There are specific parameters under which this mantra should be practiced.