On Gratitude
Fees $250/ 1.5 hrs

Gratitude is being thankful from deep within our heart for a perfect, precious human rebirth. It is the recognition and expression of appreciation for what is.

Gratitude opens us to a deep core healing, where with every breath, we can be aware of all the blessings in our life. Be aware of the food, clothing, shelter, family, friends, helpers, society, neighborhood, city, country, continent, our beloved planet, the entire universe and all universes.

We become aware of the futility of holding anger and resentment. The vibratory frequency of compassion begins to flow. For example, when we are grateful for the blessings in our life, we are spontaneously compassionate towards those who are less fortunate.

Gratitude is linked with self-worth and nobility.

Click here to read some Gratitude Meditations.

On Forgiveness
Fees $250/ 1.5 hrs

Weekly meditation sessions are held individually as well as in groups. There are special sessions for beginners as well as for advanced students.

Each session focuses on the harmony beyond the mind. This is supra-mental yoga or Heartlight. It takes us closer to our own truth, to know Self through self and clears blocks that previously seemed impervious to all remedies.

An extraordinary peace and creativity takes root as we begin to harness the empowerment of breath awareness and steadily expand to Conscious awakening. Meditative sessions bring us to the freshness and freedom of living quality lives as champions in the power of the present moment.

It is most interesting to observe how much inner work happens in the first session and as the person genuinely yearns for more, this healthy attraction snowballs into a divine romance.

Letting Go
Fees $250/ 1.5 hrs

Letting go is the release of all that we tend to hold inside of us. Bottled deep within our subconscious, we have windmills that need to just unwind, releasing feelings of shame, guilt, remorse, anger, impatience, and envy. The list is endless.

As we discover how capable we are of generosity of spirit, we discover our innate ability to release all the baggage. Letting go Meditations allow us to move on smoothly into vistas of untold abundance for ourselves. The act of living in the present moment is accompanied by a strong sense of jubilation.

Expansion of Heart
Fees $250/ 1.5 hrs

Open heart meditation is a most interesting journey through time into healing. It brings in its wake the simplicity of practicing willingness in all moments. As we feel at peace through these Meditations, we develop an inner strength that emboldens us to encompass with loving kindness all the people we have in our world. We learn the art of live and let live.

We also learn to expand the space we have inside of us to welcome those who are thirsting for acceptance. Seeing that they are devoid of any acknowledgment in their lives, we can open our own hearts to bring them in and make them feel cared for. This is the loving service we offer ourselves to primarily heal our own hearts. Deep core healing happens with Open Heart Meditations.

Fees $250/ 1.5 hrs

Awareness is a high attribute that encourages us to focus our daily state of mindfulness first on our own needs and then on the needs of others. As we remain open and conscious to situations and people around us, we heighten our level of spiritual sensitivities and hone our perception.

Awareness meditations assist in bringing out our latent quality of expansion of consciousness.

On Acceptance
Acceptance is an attribute we learn to hold in our awareness either through agreeing to experience a tough situation or following an often uncomfortable process without making an attempt to protest, to change it or quit. More specifically, it is an emotional state that leads us to mindfulness for our own selves first. Each of us will face times in our lives when we must face great risks. It is at such times that the attribute of acceptance serves us in the most profound ways.

Meditations on Acceptance assist us in healing ourselves and moving on to lead more fulfilling lives.
On Understanding
Understanding happens or is born when we have completed our conceptualization of a specific person or situation. It is a psychological process that allows us to feel safe to move on as we deal adequately with a specific area of concern.

Through Meditations on Understanding, we begin the process of helping ourselves to release stale belief patterns of the past and create a new foundation of understanding, which is necessary for all personal relationships including that of parent and child.