Crystals are cradled in beloved Mother Earth and have been on our planet from the beginning of time. They hold energies within their form and color, to bring harmony and healing to our chakras, awakening our higher spiritual centers, bringing balance to the body, mind, feelings, emotions and spirit.

The energy within pure crystals connects with our bodily elements and conducts deep core healing. Our cells receive balance and the corresponding glands and hormones are rejuvenated. Imbalances are reversed and we master our metabolism free from external chemical invasion. They release all our mis-qualified energies into the Light.

Crystals share a great affinity with us because they have the same five elements within them as we do. They also contain over seventy percent of water energy just as we do. Every healing crystal has a corresponding color and healing property of our chakra energies, thus bringing harmony into our being within minutes. There is a crystal for every imbalance.
Crystalline Ascension and Therapy workshops have three levels of learning. People find that the education they receive on these subjects is only surpassed by their enjoyment of the process.

Q. What is Heartlight?
A. It is the divine life force energy, which each one of us has been granted by the Divine Light, God, Spirit.

Q. What is Heartlight Ascension?
A. Heartlight Ascension is the channeling of healing energy from God’s Light to our own individual Heartlight. We raise our frequencies into upward spirals of good. We motivate ourselves to sustain this energy and rise, or ascend, with our Heart’s light.

Level I
Fees $200 / 3 hrs

In this introduction to Crystalline Ascension and Therapy, the history, geography and science of Crystals are taught. Healing exercises are practiced and a first attunement to Crystalline energies is experienced.

Level II
Fees $250 / 3 hrs

Four basic healing grids and pendulum dowsing are taught in the Second level. Pendulum dowsing is a method by which the cosmic energy gives us the rightmost answer to our queries without disturbing the harmony of our being and our world. This absorbing workshop is filled with multiple exercises providing hands on experience with Crystals.

Level III
Fees $500 / 3 hrs

Powerful attunements are offered whereby one is brought to an understanding of advanced grid formation using creative intuition and involution. Four essential grid formations are practiced and guidance is offered for making a grid specific to one’s needs. These are then activated by the facilitator and used for healing the situation being addressed. A deep core meditation is an essential part of this workshop.