The greatest wealth!

The greatest wealth is the poverty of anger.
When we remain aware of anger and we understand we are capable of releasing it,we grow to be ever mindful of our own needs and from that point on, we flow into beings who are ever mindful of the needs of others.

It is then that we begin to love deeply, care generously,speak gently,listen attentively, behave kindly and are always AUTHENTIC!

Anger arises when we fail to fulfill our needs

We need peace above all. We have to bring peace into ourselves through daily awareness of its precious value-the value we place for our dearest most loved friend.

Lust, greed and anger are the three evils we must combat to be able to know lasting peace.
Of these, anger is the most pernicious.
It makes its home deep in the center of our being and uproots all the love energy
We need to wage a constant war.In time,the enemy gets our message and will flee.

Intent is what makes anger either a help or a bar…..

Where there is good intent to awaken a person to what is wholesome, anger is a useful servant.
Where there is malintent, anger clearly brings downward spirals.

It is a double-edged sword,a weapon grievously injuring the good in the giver as well as the receiver.
It robs a just and fair king of his goodness, a saint of his purity and man of his sanity.

Ancient masters of martial art trained their students to engage in the specific practice only after their deep serious study in the freedom of anger was complete and whole,which means exercising zero anger.

Today we observe that those who have accomplished much good are people who are devoid of anger;from the intent of harming another.This is because they have committed to a serious study and diligent daily silent inner practice of loving themselves enough to rid themselves from all traces of irritation, annoyance, impatience, anger, resentment and rage.This is the meaning of Self-Worth.

Let us begin to feel worthy of who we are.

We come from the Source and we will return to the same Source.

Let us remember this single truth and it will assist us in working daily to clear our anger.

Anger stems from dissatisfaction within the person with himself. This dissatisfaction is an internal in-completion. An in-completion makes for frustration which builds annoyance within the self. This grows roots of impatience, hopelessness, frustration,uneasiness and immense irritation
with one’s self.

The root is deeply embedded in present or previous lifetimes of insecurity, which is further rooted in low self-worth.

There are hundreds of roots that spell anger and despair.

     The List is endless.

  • Suppression and silent bearing forced through peer pressure,control and/or domination,cold war,the silence which spells consent.
  • Consider rape-one attracts it because of deep latent fear.
  • The feeling of Fear is faith in evil, literally, it is false evidence which appears real to the mind! It raises its ugly head and gives us a choice- speak out, act or let the anger simmer.Allow it to seethe, it may say!..Grin and bear it, is often said This grin is actually adding to the volcano residing within.Once the grin and bear volcano is full, it explodes and brings in its wake immense devastation.. of self,of families, countries, and our world

This is serious stuff.

Let us look at the example of a young child who grew up in a home atmosphere of parental anger. Both adults raised a child in the midst of their own incompatible natures.Love hardly lived in this home. The child grows and does all the human functions expected of him.. he studies, finds a job, marries, procreates.He is now supposedly a complete adult and yet on the inside,he is so starved of love and care for self.

 The self can only give what it already has and owns.

When we hardly own love and care for own selves, how can we offer it to our loved ones?

Watch closely and we see-…we are able to give only that which we already have enough of.The rest is dregs from an almost empty glass.

Therefore make a study of life within this human frame.. There is a parallel journey we have completely missed.

It is the journey of the dark night where we have to remember we have come from the Source and we return to it. Reconnection happens.We remember.And so we are alright ! We walk alone and we stand up after a long battle within,much like the resilience of the bamboo which has the learning to stand up and remain rooted after weathering the most severe storms.It requires a flexible nature first or else, like the mighty oak, rigid and seemingly firm,one can uproot and fall,severely wounding other trees in its wake.

Look at road rage!!!! Where is the root?Yes,we know the answer.

Rage from both sides happens.One attracts it and the other chooses to punish himself as well as the opposite person.

Now where there is a lesson unfolding as in a war zone where we are defending the country against attack,the intent to protect overrules the malintent to destroy. Therefore such anger upholds divine order.

It is the same when a thief springs in upon a person or a murderer enters stealthily in the dark of night. One has to use the weapon of anger.

It is a useful weapon of defence.People use it to instruct when a person heeds only this manner of learning.Jesus entered the temple where the hypocritical tax collectors made a blatant display of their wealth by offering trayfuls of gold coins.In a rage, He overturned the trays.Jesus helped them to experience a lesson in humility. In such instances anger is a tool we wield to fight the good fight.This passionate anger is beautiful because it is clearing the path. Free from resentment, such anger lights up the soul.

We have a higher intelligence-our supra mental mind. We can use it all the time.It is the discerning self.

When we train our human minds to be still, we can learn to discern. This requires regular daily study. It comes naturally to those who practice constant silent inner work.It becomes a crisp awareness that breathes inside as a parallel life.It clears so much karma and it downloads Grace.It gives birth to the peace that passes all understanding. Each time we use discernment, we move a step away from anger.

The person who hardly knows the value of discernment, joins hands with the very intent he wishes to detach from.A fire ignites and burns in silent fury till one day it bursts into volcanic lava..Anger leads to inefficient living.It often offers temporary pleasure,sinister joy and fulfillment but the price to pay is of a charred inside. The root of anger can be from previous life patterns which have remained unresolved or even in present life childhood patterns.

When we take a close look,again and again we see there is the anger of hatred, the anger of insecurity, the anger of comparison, of greed,of lust – there are scores of roots to anger.

It is cold, it is hot, it is slimy, it is rock, it is fluid, it is molten.

We can conquer  this very same anger and use it to our advantage. Just as each coin has two sides,we can use anger as a cleansing  fire of purification.

Women in particular find it so hard to even accept they are angry because they have been taught to suppress anger. They resist any form of criticism.They hold the seething flames inside and often manifest breast cancer. This suppressed anger results in diseases.

It is human to be angry and it is human to bring out anger rather than turn it inward and cry,feel depressed and complain.

Women are often told that their silence means consent. In time this same silence gets overtaken by the other person’s anger which then successfully destroys a family.

We need to claim anger and dissolve it with constructive intelligence rather than swallow it or take it lying down.

We need to unwrap it, look at it and work on it.All is possible when the intent is pure.The benefits are eternal peace and equanimity.

The greatest wealth!

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